Monday 16 July 2012

21 years back in this same month of July I started my schooling. Whatever I remember of those days was that I never loved going to school. There was nothing which attracted me towards school. When I grew up the reason behind my going to school was to become 'some one' in future. Going to school was the synonymous of the good future.Same was the thinking of my parents, teachers and my society.We were asked several times in our school days what do you want to become in future. The basic motive of my school was to make their students capable of earning in future.Is this should be the aim of our education system. We were taught only those subjects or emphasis was given to only those subjects which have greater value in the market.No this should be stopped , by doing this we are only creating the machine made knowledge. Our education should attract students for gaining knowledge or to learn the new things not only the means to make money.We need to re energize  our education system so that it can attract students to learn how to make their lives worth living. Our education system at presents serves the dreams of parents not children .It need to be rethink and reforms should be done. 


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